Conference Report 2017 | Innocracy – Conference on Democratic Innovation 2017

On Tuesday, 28 November over 100 participants as well as 28 Session Hosts and Speakers from ten different countries gathered at betahaus in Kreuzberg, Berlin, to exchange ideas and learn about concrete projects on how to innovate democracy. Innocracy – Conference on Democratic Innovation was organised by the Democracy Lab at Das Progressive Zentrum with…

Bildergalerie | Innocracy – Conference on Democratic Innovation 2017

On Tuesday, 28 November 2017, the Innocracy – Conference on Democratic Innovation took place at betahaus in Berlin. During the one-day conference, an international community of innovators, experts, academics, and politicians discussed and shared ideas on how to innovate and revive our democracy. More than 100 guests attended INNOCRACY, listened to Inspire-Talks and Debates, and…

Welche Fähigkeiten brauchen PolitikerInnen in Zeiten komplexer Herausforderungen?

Democratic Innovation Dinner im Democracy Lab am 18.10.2017 Am 18. Oktober fand im Rahmen des Democracy Labs des Progressiven Zentrums das zweite “Democratic Innovation Dinner” statt. Ziel dieses wiederkehrenden Veranstaltungsformats ist es, in einem persönlichen Rahmen eine heterogene Gruppe unter Chatham House Rule an einem Tisch zu vereinen und gemeinsam Lösungen für eine konkrete Fragestellung…